Trip to Lavagna

Do you want to go to the Sea? Let’s come to Lavagna! Its long straight beach is one of the most famous summer resort of the north of Italy. Lavagna is halfway from Sestri Levante and Portofino in the middle of the Gulf of Tigullio. From Lavagna waterfront you can have a panoramic view both of all Tigullio Gulf, famous for its seaside resorts such as Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo and the neighbouring Chiavari that is at a walking distance. Lavagna is very well known for its Marina, one of the biggest of the whole mediterranean sea.

Let’s come to Lavagna with Club Magellano. Let’s spend one day at the sea! Lavagna is waiting fo you. Lavagna is in the middle of Tigullio Gulf, and is a village with a beautiful Historical center, because in the Middle Ages, Lavagna was an important Ligurian cultural center.Lavagna was a fief, held by the Fieschi a noble merchant family. The characteristic shale that provides roofing “slates” in Liguria was traditionally quarried in mountains nearby. Entella river separets Lavagna from Chiavari . In 2014 the local football team Virtus Entella was promoted in the italian Serie B for the first time in history In Lavagna our bus stop is in front of the Railway Station, only 100 meters far from the sea! Our bus departs from Lodi at 5:30 a.m. Casello Autostrada, Melegnano (Lidl) at 6:00 a.m., San Giuliano Milanese (Railway Station) at 06:10  Milano Rogoredo FS M3 at 6:25 a.m., Milano Romolo (largo Ascari) 06:50 a.m. We will do a stop in a motorway service area. We will Arrive in Lavagna (Railway Station) more or less at 10:00 a.m. Return will start from Lavagna (Railway Station) at 19:30. We Will be back in Milano Romolo more or less at 22:00 and so on.

Whatsapp: 329.6799928

Prenota con 10€

Prenota con 10 euro a persona, e salda 15 giorni prima della partenza!

PREZZO A PERSONA 23€ Bambini da 0 a 11 anni compresi -25%

Date di partenza

Furthers informations Trip to Lavagna

Schedule Trip to Lavagna

  • Ritrovo nei luoghi stabiliti e partenza come da città e luoghi di carico pubblicati sotto;
  • Sosta in Autogrill;
  • Arrivo a destinazione indicativamente per le ore 10;
  • Ripartenza con il nostro bus in serata: ore 19:30 da Sestri Levante e 19:40 da Lavagna;
  • Arrivo in serata nelle città di partenza.
Il programma potrebbe subire variazioni per cause di forza maggiore legate alle condizioni meteorologiche, tecniche o logistiche.
PDF del Programma
  • Viaggio A/R con pullman GT;
  • Accompagnatore durante il viaggio;
  • Assistenza 24h durante il soggiorno;
  • Assicurazione RC;
  • Materiale informativo


1 Voucher Omaggio per 1 persona per la SPA Il Regno di Dioniso (valido 3 mesi)

  • quanto non specificato nella sezione "nel prezzo è incluso";
  • L'eventuale spostamento in treno per chi desidera raggiungere le Cinque Terre da Sestri Levante, che va organizzato a propria cura e spese, prestando attenzione ad essere a Sestri Levante in tempo utile per la partenza del ritorno
monastero andechs

Conduct of passenegers

When travelling with us you must comply with our code of conduct for passengers, including:

  1. You must use the same seat on the way there and on the way back
  2. Children must travel using Baby Car Seat when nedded (according to Italian Low) ;
  3. The published running times for any individual service can be affected by events outside of our control such as roadworks, traffic incidents and unforeseen congestion or in order to respect social legislation relating to road transport (regolation EC No 561/2006) ;
  4. Rucksucks are carried only in hold;
  5. We don’t carry barbecue, alcohol or beers bottles, gazebos

Sea bus Lavagna departs from

02.39523309/11Lun-Sab | 8:30 - 19:30
329.6799928Sempre attivo
329.6799928Lun-Sab | 8:30 - 19:30
infoclubmagellano.itSempre disponibile